Sunday, April 10, 2011

Internet Influences 1/?

Do you ever find yourself wanting to "Like" statements in real life? Or want to say things like "lol" "irl"? This is a clear sign you are on the internet too much. Don't worry, it can happen to the best of us. The average young person these days spends inordinate amounts of time on the internet, whether it be Facebook or Youtube or any kind of internet website or forum. I know my friends and I are guilty of the same, often slipping famous internet memes into conversation whenever possible.

Is this a bad thing? In some cases yes. Overuse of the internet can cause health problems such as obesity and have a negative effect on a person's sleep habits to name just a few. There is also the possibility of negatively affect a person's ability to use proper grammar. I can imagine if today's young people grow up using the internet often, internet speak can have a serious impact on a young student's ability to properly use their own language in an academic setting. But if used responsibly, the internet can be an extremely fun, and intellectually stimulating multicultural place. I love seeing the brilliance inherent in these extremely popular memes and how people use them and often eventually mold them into new evolutions. I find it exciting to see how people twist their language into something new and fun on the internet. For me, I know I'm on the internet too much, but I just can't bring myself to look away.

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