“That show sounds good, I’ll Netflix it.” This is something I hear more and more now that Netflix streaming has boosted the company’s popularity to its current glory. Instead of finding TV shows on the actual television, people just go straight to Netflix. Some people, like me, have no other choice. One show that I used to watch on television all the time is the hospital-themed sitcom Scrubs. Netflix Instant has the entire series, all 8 seasons, streaming for free so I never have to watch it on television or buy the DVDs. My media-life has changed completely thanks to Netflix Instant. The existence of digital media like Netflix Instant is changing the landscape of American media all together.
Oh Netflix, I never knew watching TV could be so good. And easy. And cheap. Running with the Scrubs example, with this new way of watching TV I can watch Scrubs on my terms. I can watch whenever I want, whichever episode I want, and however many episodes I want. Not only that, but there are no commercials and I get to watch the full, uncut version of every episode. Even though before I started watching Scrubs on Netflix I had seen every episode multiple times, I managed to see scenes I had never seen before because they were cut on television, unbeknownst to me until now. All of this is at a fraction of the price it would cost to have the entire series on DVD or getting cable, if it even still airs anymore.
The format is also so much more preferable, because every episode is online and on the screen, making it easy to scroll through and find the one I want or watch multiple episodes. No more switching DVDs constantly trying to find a good episode. Or having to listen to excruciatingly annoying menu music... On Netflix I can preview any episode with ease. The only downside to Netflix streaming would be if you have a bad internet connection. Occasionally, my viewing has been interrupted by random reloading, but much less often than I would expect. All in all, I prefer watching Scrubs on Netflix streaming now, even though it is so different from the way I used to watch.
I know I'm not the only one who has become smitten with Netflix Instant. More people are making the migration from television to the internet, if not with Netflix then with Hulu or...illegitimate means. Obviously, this will cause a disturbance in the Force. What will advertisers do now that a huge amount of people who used to watch their commercials aren't anymore? And how much will this screw with Nielsen ratings? Not only that, but the audience themselves will change now that they have changed media. I felt like watching television kept me in touch with the world. More than just not watching the news, even by just watching commercials I had a better idea of what was going on around me and what people were doing or eating or buying for fun. Without TV I miss out on new movie trailers, funny commercials that can be laughed about with friends, or new products on the market. We're heading for a strange new media world out there. Get your popcorn out, it's going to be interesting.
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