Sunday, May 15, 2011

Internet Influences 4/? NSFW

This blog has already established that we are on the internet for an inordinate amount of time. Possibly an unhealthy amount. But I still always thought of the internet as something you use in your free time, even at school is iffy. But I see people on their laptops during classes, checking their emails and Facebook and whatnot. And depending on the class it may not matter, also, the students are the ones paying for the class so they can choose how to spend that time however they like. But, at work? A friend of mine asked the other day for suggestions of "work-safe" sites she can scroll through while at work.

What? Work-safe? And then I remembered another related acronym: NSFW or Not Safe For Work. So there seems to be a whole culture of people who surf the net while at work, and need warnings on whether a site is appropriate or not in case a supervisor comes walking by and sees. In theory, the best work-safe activity is not going on the internet, but I suppose nowadays the cubicle type jobs or receptionists jobs are not stimulating enough for workers anymore, so these workers have created an acronym for themselves that will help them have fun at their job while being safe. Pictures that may be inappropriate for work will have a simple NSFW warning for these workers to stay away. Or perhaps you are just the squeamish type in general, regardless of if you are at work or not you may decide not to risk it. The internet can be a dangerous and disgusting place, so I for one and grateful for the existence this warning. Whenever there is a service needed on the internet, even one as simple as this, it will be created by its users.

In any case, are there any suggestions for my friend here? What are your favorite "work-safe" sites? News sites, web comics, etc. Do you even go on the internet during work? Is using the internet for non-related business at work appropriate, even when there is nothing going on at work?

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